Monday, May 23, 2011

Mass Transit, Mass Media Model

I’m thrilled to be part of a media market campaign for NYC Life Television that has my picture featured on thousands of posters inside the subway cars of New York City’s mass transit system. Millions of people from all over the Metropolitan Tri-State area ride the subway every day and will see my pretty lipstick framed smile! I’m right in the middle on the bottom of a poster about NYC Life television in a line-up of other celebrities from shows that are featured on the station.

The other TV celebs include Tony Sawicki, also from Under the Pink Carpet, Dave Evans from $9.99, Kela Walker of That’s So New York, Toni Senecal from Toni on NY, Ornella Fado of Brindiamo, Kelly Choi from Eat Out, Baron Ambrosia from Bronx Flavor, and many others!

Look for me next time you're on the train!