Sunday, April 20, 2008

Leslie Jordan's Pink Carpet Trip

A one night only presentation of Leslie Jordan's solo show, My Trip Down the Pink Carpet, was presented at New World Stages to benefit the Harvey Milk High School. The event that took place on April 14, and also kicked off GayFest NYC 2008. Emmy winner Jordan stars in Pink Carpet, which features direction by David Galligan. Jordan is perhaps best known for his work as Beverley Leslie on the NBC series Will & Grace. He has also be on Boston Legal, Hidden Palms and Reba. Jordan can also be seen as an institutionalized Drag Queen in the cult film, Sorrid Lives.

The show is also a tour promoting his book of the sa
me name. The story follows his rise to fame and his experiences as an Out Gay actor. "It's basically from getting off the bus in 1982, an openly Gay actor, and working all the way up to my Emmy" says Jordan. "But underlining it all is the same journey, the journey out of the Baptist Church" Even though the book is funny, Jordan reminds everyone of the frightened Gay people in the hinterlands. "In the Gay Community, there's two kinds of people - there's the fabulous and the fearful."

The After-party in NYC was held at Crave on 42nd Street. Attendees included Randy Jones (Village People Cowboy), comedian Frank DeCaro (Sirius Out Q Radio), auth
or Rich Merritt (Secrets of an ex-Marine Porn Star), Stephen Schulman (SASi PR), Bruce Robert Harris and Jack W. Batman (Gayfest NYC) and many others. Tony Sawicki and Stephanie Butler were also there to pruduce a segment for Under the Pink Carpet.