Thursday, March 8, 2007

Erotic and Off Broadway Games

The game is BINGO and it’s always a fun evening at Will Clark’s Porno Bingo at 9th Avenue Bistro in Midtown. There’s always a fun, flirty, unpretentious crowd and you get to meet live Porn Stars and other local celebrities – all while raising funds for a worthy charity. After hob-knobbing with Politicos and future Assemblymen at the above event on Wed. February 28, I thought it would be fun to let loose with Will, Manny, AB, Trey and the rest of the regulars. The special guests for the evening were Porn Star Kyle Douglas along with playwrite/actor Anthony Wilkinson with the cast of his new Off-Broadway comedy- Boys Just Wanna Have Fun. I haven’t seen Anthony in a while and he was still looking better than ever. He and the cast of his last hit Comedy – My Big Gay Italian Wedding, appeared at a Gay-Wedding themed performance at OW Bar years ago where I was the hostess with a white beaded wedding gown. It’s always great to see Erotic Star Kyle Douglas in-the-flesh. He lights up every room he steps into and he’s as gorgeous on the inside as he is on the outside. I could add that his heart is also as big as his “package.” Anthony and Deirdre Hoetmer of HHC Marketing were telling me how Boys Just Wanna has some fabulous Drag Queen characters. I met an actor who plays one of them, Kevin McIntyre who portrays Fanny Fondue. I also met Tom Baran, who plays the heart-throb and others from the cast. I looking forward to seeing the play on Saturday.

Photos: Tom Baran, Anthony Wilkinson and Kevin McIntyre of Boys Just Wanns Have Fun, Erotic Film Star Kyle Douglas, Anthony Wilkinson and Deirdre Hoetmer.